Search Engine Optimization

Want to give visibility to your site? Appear in the top positions on Google and other search engines? We’ll recommend the most efficient SEO services.

SEO is a critical part of the digital marketing strategy. But today the SEO has evolved: many of the “classic” rules are still important, but it must be matched to other activities: design, public relations, social media, content, and advertising strategies.

That’s why, with each solution from CYONWO, you will get a professional service performed by the team who devote their time to study your products and services and are always looking for ways to improve your visibility.

We offer ourselves as a strategic partner for your business, your marketing of dedicated contact persons, working with you to achieve your goals.

Search Engine Optimization

Contact us for pricing and packages

Feel free to contact us with your business, we will find out the best packages suits to your business, while you can make your own packages as well.

8 + 2 =

There is never a “one size fits all approach” in SEO, every company is different, which means that each country is different.

For this reason, our solutions are time-based.

If you invest more, get more of our time.

Simple Okay?

Our SEO Strategy

Analysis and choice of keywords

One of the most important steps of any SEO campaign is the choice of keywords with which you want to position yourself. Suppose you are a plumber. If your website were positioned on the front page of Google with the word “plumber,” surely you would get a lot of traffic, but it would not be a useful traffic. This is because of many people typing that word to get information about hydraulic activities, or for example, to figure out how to make a hydraulic system.

The CYONWO Team consider the volume of research produced by each keyword, competitiveness, and usefulness of the most relevant keywords, we make a traffic estimation and potential pathways for those keywords. After confirming that the chosen keywords are the best, we develop a targeting strategy, to bring to your site only people who are really interested.

After making all these checks with appropriate tools, we will issue a document containing the keywords best for your business, those with whom you have to position yourself to get access to your site truly interested in your products or services, with high chances to become customers.

Website analysis

Usually one thinks that webmasters or web agencies are able to cover the whole technical part. In fact, it is not: most developers know the basics of SEO but, being a sector in constant evolution, they cannot always be updated on the latest news.

We try to meet this need, providing guidelines to complete SEO techniques to create your site, so you get the best possible performance. (Do not have a developer? No problem! We will put at your disposal our best experts to make your site SEO is in perfect shape).

With special instruments, but especially with the manual control by our SEO experts, we analyze in detail your site, both in terms of the code, and content, that link popularity (the most important sign of authoritativeness of a site for the search engines), drawing up a list of errors and possible improvements. We, therefore, issue a supporting document to your webmaster or web agency, so that it can easily make your site fully optimized.

Analysis of your competitors

This step will be dedicated to the analysis of the reference market and competitors in the study. In this phase, we will analyze the main competitors within your industry by studying them that make online strategies and activities.

Will be taken into account SEO activities implemented by them, the keywords with which they are located, the number of outgoing and incoming links, any advertising campaigns on Google Adwords. Observing their activities, we will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and the potential opportunities and threats of your target industry.

Why You Should Hire Professional?

Drafting the editorial plan

Today more than ever, SEO is not only a technical trade. The algorithms of search engines are becoming more sophisticated in determining the quality of the texts on your site. A poor website content, or copied content, even if it meets all the technical requirements, will never gain the top positions in the search engine rankings.

For this reason, it is necessary to prepare the publishing plan for the site/blog, or the establishment of the necessary activities to create content that contains the selected keywords for placement on Google. Content will be created in relation to the interests of the target and the company activities.

This document will have to be treated all the necessary steps to achieve your goals, target or niche where you want to aim, themes treated according to the real needs of the target users, cut and shape the content (posts / articles), periodicity of the outputs, interaction with social media and so on.

In the drafting of the publishing plan, it is necessary to provide for flexibility and constant updating, based on the results obtained and the company’s strategic changes.

Optimization of existing content and create new content

A site full of quality content and useful to your target audience is exactly what appeals to Google, and that is rewarded in the search results. Often the sites overlook the editorial content, copying texts already published on other websites and offer no real value to users.

We deal with optimizing the content already on your site, (institutional pages, news, product sheets, services, articles from the blog) and develop new ones. If we deem it necessary, we will also create a blog dedicated to the linked site and write optimized content for placement.

The editorial activities will be carried out on a monthly basis, for the duration of the contract.

What is the difference between positioning LOCAL and NATIONAL?

For NATIONAL positioning, we mean that your site will be placed with words such as “Sale Persian Carpets” (which does not include the name of a specific location, for companies operating throughout the national territory).

For LOCAL positioning we mean that your site will be placed with words such as “Sale Persian Carpets Alaska” (which include the name of your city or area of activity for local businesses).

Dedicated SEO

For certain sectors, plans or objectives, it is necessary to work daily and consistently in order to achieve maximum results.

For this, only if you buy our service SEO Premium, we provide our SEO expert entirely dedicated to your project, who works for you every day as if it were any of your employees, to ensure you get your goals even in high areas competition.

Definition of the strategy and SEO Online Marketing

We will make for you a real online marketing plan, which will include actions to be taken to improve the visibility of your website and brand on the web, not only from a purely SEO point of view, but also support such activities (site design, usability, public relations, social media, online content and advertising strategies).

Code optimization and site structure

Having an HTML code and a site structure that helps scan by the search engine is the first step to getting results positioning. Search engines use special software (called robots or spiders) to scan the network and index web pages. If the code and the structure of your site are not SEO-friendly, this software may not be able to “read” your pages properly, and this will be detrimental to your positioning.

Our experts fully optimize your site’s code, correcting errors and promoting their scanning, improving performance in terms of traffic and access by search engines.

Creation and management of link building

Even if the search engines consider many things to determine their search results, the number of links “quality” that link to your site is still a factor among the most important. The Link building done in a responsible manner is an essential part of any successful SEO campaign.

The first thing to do is to make an assessment of the existing link, in order to ensure that you are not violating the guidelines on best practices Google and you have not been penalized without knowing it. After that, we will work hard to get only quality links. No link farms, no technique black hat SEO, only links that go up in the rankings and maintain high rankings in the long run. Therefore, you will not have to worry every time Google updates its ranking algorithms.

The link building service will be held for the duration of the contract will be provided periodic reports of new links obtained.

Guarantees placement

No company can guarantee 100% reaching the first position in Google results.

This is what Google say on their SEO guidelines:

Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings in the results, you have to have a “special relationship” with Google, or advertise, “priority submit” to Google. There is no priority in Google. The only way to submit a site to Google directly is through our Add URL page or by submitting a Sitemap; things you can do this yourself at no cost whatsoever.:

Therefore, the moral of the story is once you have the “right” keywords for your website, we are able to offer a placement guaranteed by contract in the first page of Google for a good number of them.

Monthly report

SEO does not mean anything without data. Constant monitoring allows you to keep an eye on things and touch the results. Each month you will receive a detailed report on its activities and the results obtained. The report contains the number of items created, the links acquired and positioning changes to the keywords you select, as well as important data on your site traffic.